Evelyn, loved this article. I've seen this so often as well. I have several "very attractive" friends who say they never know if someone is genuinely interested in them or because they're pretty. It's not their fault they were born and developed they way they did.
It seems the people with the most followers on social media are "hot perfect people too".
I have a niece who looks a lot like a young Kardashian sister. Whenever she would update a social media profile picture, 90% of the comments would address how she looked. Of course you would always see the obligatory, "you're beautiful on the inside AND out" comments. My guess is she became numb to the comments because she was getting praise and mockery (by those threatened by her looks and popularity) for something she had no control over.
From time to time in my life I have gotten similar comments. Those comments felt and do feel hollow to me even now that I'm 51. I'm being praised for something I had nothing to do with. With the exception of a little weight control, grooming an hygiene, how I look is the responsibility of God and my parents.