Stop giving over your autonomy to imaginary people.
We often give a lot of power and tremendous of authority to ‘they’. A secret, yet known, body of seemingly endless knowledge, wisdom and virtue that tell us what to think an how to live. Yet, we are naturally resistant to being told what to do or being controlled. It’s a great irony in my view.
We often hear the phrase, “well you know what they say.” or “studies have shown that they’ve found…”
They say we can’t. We don’t.
They say we can. We do.
They say we shouldn’t. We wouldn’t.
They say sit here. We sit.
They say don’t say this or that. We are silent.
…and on and on it goes.
So who is this collective committee and who figuratively appointed them to such a high position over our lives.
Having this invisible authority almost gives us license to not live our fullest lives. It gives us permission to blame them when things go wrong or when we don’t succeed at something.
We will blindly follow this imaginary set of rules without thinking about the why or why not behind it…